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Ocean Frontier Institute Module H subset of research publications and presentations (to January 2022)

Peer-reviewed journal articles


Araya-Schmidt, T., Winger P.D., Santos, M.R., Moret, K., DeLouche, H., Legge, G., & Bayse, S.M. (2021). Investigating the performance of a roller footgear in the offshore shrimp fishery of Eastern Canada using underwater video. Fisheries Research, 240, 105968.


Araya-Schmidt, T., Legge, G., Santos, M., Bayse, S.M., and Winger, P.D. (2021). Flume tank testing of an innovative footgear technology using simulated seabeds. Journal of Ocean Technology, Accepted with Revisions.


Babyn, J., Varkey, D., Regular, P., Ings, D. and Flemming, J.M., 2021. A Gaussian field approach to generating spatial age length keys. Fisheries Research, 240, p.105956.


Berge, J., Geoffroy, M., Daase, M., Cottier, F., Priou, P., Cohen, J. H., Johnsen, G., McKee, D., Kostakis, I., Renaud, P. E., Vogedes, D., Anderson, P., Last, K. S., & Gauthier, S. (2020). Light pollution from a ship disrupts Arctic fish and zooplankton behaviours down to 200 m depth. Communications Biology, 3, 1-8.


Bouchard, C., Geoffroy, M., LeBlanc, M., & Fortier, L. (2018). Larval and adult fish assemblages along the Northwest Passage: The shallow Kitikmeot and the ice-covered Parry Channel as potential barriers to dispersal. Arctic Science, 4, 781-793.


Bouchard, C., Chawarski, J., Geoffroy, M., Møller, E.V., Mohn, C., Dalgaard Agersted, M. (2022). Interspecific competition and recruitment of age-0 fish in the Greenland Sea: the role of transport and preferred prey availability. Elementa Science of the Anthropocene,  10, 00038.


Cadigan, N.G., Duplisea, D.E., Senay, C., Parent, G.J., Winger, P.D., Linton, B., &  Kristinsson, K. How can science contribute to sustainable fisheries for Northwest Atlantic redfish. In revision.


Cadigan, N.G., Robertson, M., Nirmalkanna, K., & Zheng, N. 2022. The complex relationship between weight and length of cod off the south coast of Newfoundland. Submitted.


Cadigan, N.G., Benoît, H., & Yin, Y. A nonparametric-monotone regression model and robust estimation for paired-tow survey comparative fishing data. Submitted


Cheng, Z., Einarsson, H. A., Bayse, S., Herrmann, B., & Winger, P. (2019). Comparing size selectivity of traditional and knotless diamond-mesh codends in the Iceland redfish (Sebastes spp.) fishery. Fisheries Research, 216, 138-144.


Cheng, Z., Winger, P.D., Bayse, S.M., Kebede, G.E., DeLouche, H., Einarsson, H.A., Pol, M.V., Kelly, D., & Walsh, S.J. (2020). Out with the old and in with the new: T90 codends improve size selectivity in the Canadian redfish (Sebastes mentella) trawl fishery. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 77, 1711-1720.


Dmitrenko I., Petrusevich, V., Kosobokova, K., Komarov, A.S., Bouchard, C., Geoffroy, M., Koldunov, N., Babb, D.G., Kirillov, S.A, Barber, D.G. (2021). Coastal polynya disrupts the acoustic backscatter diurnal signal over the eastern Laptev Sea shelf. Frontiers in Marine Science. 8:791096.


Rajib D., Cadigan, N.G, & Zheng, N. (2019). Estimation of the Von Bertalanffy growth model when ages are measured with error. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, 68, 1131-1147.


Eddy, T.D., Duplisea, D.E., Robertson, M.D., Ruiz-Díaz, R., Solberg, C.A., Zhang, F. (submitted). Barriers to implementation of dynamic approaches in fisheries management. Marine Policy


Einarsson, H.A., Cheng, Z., Bayse, S.M., Herrmann, B., & Winger, P.D. (2021). Comparing the size selectivity of a novel T90 mesh codend to two conventional codends in the Northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) trawl fishery. Aquaculture and Fisheries. In Press.


Einfeldt, A.L., Kess, T., Messmer, A., Duffy, S., Wringe, B., Fisher, J., den Heyer, C., Bradbury, I.R., Ruzzante, D.E., & P. Bentzen. (2021) Chromosome level reference of Atlantic halibut Hippoglossus hippoglossus provides insight into the evolution of sexual determination systems. Molecular Ecology Resources.


Fisher, J.A.D., Robert, D., Le Bris, A., Loher T. (2017). Pop-up satellite archival tag (PSAT) temporal data resolution affects interpretations of spawning behaviour of a commercially important teleost. Animal Biotelemetry 5, 21.


Gao, J., & S.B. Munch. (2019). A function-valued trait approach to estimating the genetic basis of size at age and its potential role in fisheries induced evolution. Evolutionary Applications, 12, 964-976.


Gruss A., Gao, J., Thorson, J.T., Roper, C., Thompson, G, Boldt, J., & Lauth, R. (2020). Estimating synchronous changes in condition and density in eastern Bering Sea fishes. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 635, 169-185.


Gao, J., Thorson, J. T., Szuwalski, C., & Wang, H. Y. (2020). Historical dynamics of the demersal fish community in the East and South China Seas. Marine and Freshwater Research.


Gatti, P., Robert D., Fisher, J.A.D., Marshall, R.C., & Le Bris, A. (2020). Stock-scale electronic tracking of Atlantic halibut reveals summer site fidelity and winter mixing on common spawning grounds. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 77, 2890-2904.


Gatti, P., Fisher, J.A.D., Cyr, F., Galbraith, P., Robert D., & Le Bris, A. (2021). A review and tests of validation and sensitivity of geolocation models for marine fish tracking. Fish and Fisheries, 5, 1041-1066.


Gauthier, C., Desgagnes, M., Robert, Le Bris, A., Fisher, J.A.D., Dumont, D., Sirois, P., Rétablissement du flétan atlantique dans le golfe du Saint-Laurent : état des connaissances biologiques et défis de gestion. Le Naturaliste Canadien, 145, 49-61.


Geoffroy, M., Daase, M., Cusa, M., Darnis, G., Graeve, M., Santana Hernández, N., Berge, J., Renaud, P. E., Cottier, F., & Falk-Petersen, S. (2019). Mesopelagic Sound Scattering Layers of the High Arctic: Seasonal Variations in Biomass, Species Assemblage, and Trophic Relationships. Frontiers in Marine Science, 6, 1-18.


Geoffroy, M., Langbehn, T., Priou, P., Varpe, Ø., Johnsen, G., Le Bris, A., Fisher, J., Daase, M., McKee, D., Cohen, J., Berge, J. (2021). Pelagic organisms avoid white, blue, and red artificial light from scientific. Scientific Reports. 11, 1-13.


Herrmann, B., Cerbule, K., BÅ™cíc, J., Grimaldo, E., Geoffroy, M., Daase, M., Berge, J. (2022). Accounting for uncertainties in biodiversity estimations: a new methodology and its application to the mesopelagic sound scattering layer of the high Arctic. Frontiers In Ecology and Evolution. In review.


Jakobsson, M., Mayer, L.A., Nilsson, J., Stranne, C., Calder, B., O’Regan, M., Farrell, J.W., Cronin, T.M., Brüchert, V., Chawarski, J. and Eriksson, B. (2020).  Ryder Glacier in northwest Greenland is shielded from warm Atlantic water by a bathymetric sill. Communications Earth & Environment, 1(45): 1-10


James, T.L., Landsman, S.J., Ramsay, L.L., Giffin, M.D., Le Bris, A., van den Heuvel, M.R. (2020). Migration Patterns of Atlantic Halibut Captured in the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence as Assessed with Pop-up Satellite Archival and Floy Tags. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.


Kebede, G.E., Winger, P.D., DeLouche, H., Legge, G., Cheng, Z., Kelly, D., & Einarsson, H. (2020). Flume tank evaluation of the hydrodynamic lift and drag of helix ropes compared to conventional ropes used in midwater trawls. Ocean Engineering, 106674.


Kebede, G.E., & Winger, P.D. (2020). A comparison of hydrodynamic forces in knotted and knotless netting, using both helix and conventional ropes for midwater trawls. Aquaculture and Fisheries, 6: 96-105.


Kess, T., Einfeldt, A.L., Wringe, B., Lehnert, S.J., Layton, K.S.K., McBride, M.C., Robert, D., Fisher, J.A.D., Le Bris, A., den Heyer, C, Shackell, N.L., Ruzzante, D.E., Bentzen, P. & Bradbury, I.R. (2021) A putative structural variant and environmental variation associated with genomic divergence across the Northwest Atlantic in Atlantic halibut. ICES Journal of Marine Science.


Krumsick, K. J. & Fisher, J.A.D. (in press). Spatial variation in food web structure and functioning among Newfoundland and Labrador fish assemblages. PLoS One.


Kumar, R., Cadigan, N.G. & Morgan, M.J. (2019). Recruitment synchrony in spatially structured Newfoundland and Labrador populations of American plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides). Fisheries Research, 211, 91-99.


Kumar, R., Cadigan, N.G., & Zheng, N., Varkey, D., & Morgan, M.J. (2020). A state-space spatial survey-based stock assessment (SSURBA) model to inform spatial variation in relative stock trends. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 77(10), 1638-1658.


LeBlanc, M., Geoffroy, M., Bouchard, C., Gauthier, S., Majewski, A., Reist, J., & Fortier, L. (2020). Pelagic production and the recruitment of juvenile polar cod Boreogadus saida in Canadian Arctic Seas. Polar Biology. 43:1043-1054


Le Bris, A., Fisher, J.A.D., Murphy, H.M., Galbraith, P.S., Castonguay, M., Loher, T., Robert, D. (2018). Migration patterns and putative spawning habitats of Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) in the Gulf of St. Lawrence revealed by geolocation of pop-up archival satellite tags. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 75(1): 135:147.


Liu, C., Cowles, G.W., Zemeckis, D.R., Fay, G., Le Bris, A., & Cadrin, S.X. (2019). A hardware-accelerated particle filter for the geolocation of demersal fishes. Fisheries Research, 213, 160–171.\


Ludvigsen, M., Berge, J., Geoffroy, M., Cohen, J.H., De La Torre, P.R., Nornes, S.M., Singh, H., Sørensen, A.J., Daase, M., Johnsen, G. (2018). Use of an Autonomous Surface Vehicle reveals small-scale diel vertical migrations of zooplankton and susceptibility to light pollution under low solar irradiance. Science Advances. 4, 1-8


McClenaghan, B., Fahner, N., Cote, D., Chawarski, J., McCarthy, A., Rajabi, H., Singer, G. and Hajibabaei, M. (2020). Harnessing the power of eDNA metabarcoding for the detection of deep-sea fishes. PloS one, 15(11), 1-19.


McDonald, R.R., Keith, D.M., Sameoto, J.A., Hutchings, J.A. and Flemming, J.M., 2022. Incorporating intra-annual variability in fisheries abundance data to better capture population dynamics. Fisheries Research, 246, p.106152.


McDonald, R; Keith, D; Sameoto, J; Hutchings, J; and Mills Flemming, J. (2021). Explicit incorporation of spatial variability in a biomass dynamics assessment model. ICES Journal of Marine Science. In Press


Murphy, H.M., Fisher, J.A.D., Le Bris, A., Desgagnés, M., Castonguay, M., Loher, T., Robert, D. (2017). Characterization of depth distributions, temperature associations, and seasonal migrations of Atlantic halibut in the Gulf of St. Lawrence using pop-up satellite archival tags. Marine and Coastal Fisheries, 9(1), 341:356.


Nirmalkanna, K., Zheng, N., & Cadigan, N. 2022. Estimating the negative binomial dispersion parameter with a stratum-effects model and many strata. Submitted.


Osterblom, H., Cvitanovic, C., van Putten, I., Addison, P., Beddington, J., Hall, J., Ison, S., Jouffray, J.-B., Le Bris, A., Mynott, S., Reid, D., Sugimoto, A. (2020). Science-Industry Collaboration – Sideways or Highways to Ocean Sustainability? One Earth, 3, 79-88.


Perreault, A., Zheng, N., & Cadigan, N.G. (2019). Estimation of growth parameters based on length-stratified age samples. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 77(3), 439-450.


Perreault, A.M.J, Wheeland, L.J., Morgan, M.J., & Cadigan, N.G. (2020). A state-space stock assessment model for American plaice on the Grand Bank of Newfoundland. Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science, 51: 45–104.


Perreault, A.M.J & Cadigan, N.G. (2021). Natural mortality diagnostics for state-space stock assessment models. Fisheries Research, 243, p.106062.


Priou P., Nikolopoulos A., Flore H., Gradinger, R., Kunish E., Nicolaus M., Katlein C., Linders T., Berge J., Fisher J., Geoffroy M. (2021) Dense mesopelagic sound scattering layer and vertical segregation of pelagic organisms at the Atlantic-Arctic gateway during the midnight sun. Progress in oceanography. In review


Randall, J., Murphy, H., Robert, D., Geoffroy, M. (2021) Forage fish as predator: summer and autumn diet of Atlantic herring in Trinity Bay, Newfoundland. Journal of Plankton Research. In review


Regular, P.M., Buren, A.D., Dwyer, K.S., Cadigan, N.G., Gregory, R.S., Koen-Alonso, M., Rideout, R.M., Robertson, G.J., Robertson, M.D., Stenson, G.B. and Wheeland, L.J., 2022. Indexing starvation mortality to assess its role in the population regulation of Northern cod. Fisheries Research, 247, p.106180.


Rindorf, A., Cadigan, N.G., Howell, D., Eero, M. & Gislason, H. (2019). Periodic fluctuations in recruitment success of Atlantic cod. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 77, 236-246.


Rindorf, Anna; Deurs, Mikael; Howell, Daniel; Andonegi, Eider; Berger, Aaron; Bogstad, Bjarte; Cadigan, Noel; Elvarsson, Bjarki; Hintzen, Niels; Savina-Rolland, Marie; Taylor, Marc; Trijoulet, Vanessa; van Kooten, Tobias; Zhang, Fan; Collie, Jeremy. 2022. Strength and consistency of density dependence in marine fish productivity. Fish and Fisheries. In press.


Robertson, M., Gao, J., Regular, P., Morgan, J., & Zhang, F. (2021). Lagged recovery of fish spatial distributions following a cold-water perturbation. Scientific Reports, 11, 9513.


Robertson, Matthew; Koen-Alonso, Mariano; Regular, Paul; Cadigan, Noel; Zhang, Fan. 2021. Accounting for a non-linear functional response when estimating prey dynamics using predator diet data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.


Shackell, N.L., Fisher, J.A.D., den Heyer, C.E., Hennen, D.R., Seitz, A.C., Le Bris, A., Robert, D., Kersula, M.E., Cadrin, S.X., McBride, R.S., McGuire, C.H., Kess, T., Ransier, K.T., Liu, C., Czich, A., Frank, K.T. (2021). Spatial Ecology of Atlantic Halibut across the Northwest Atlantic: A Recovering Species in an Era of Climate Change. Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture, 1-25.


Tang, X., Zheng, N., Rideout, R., Wang, S., & Zhang F. (2020). Identification of recruitment regime shifts with a hidden Markov stock-recruitment model. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 78(7), pp.2591-2602.


Yan, Y; Cantoni, E; Field, C; Treble, M; Mills Flemming, J. (2021). Spatiotemporal modeling of maturity-at-length data using a sliding window approach. ICES Journal of Marine Science. Submitted


Yin, Y., Aeberhard, W. H., Smith, S. J., & Mills Flemming, J. (2019). Identifiable state-space models: A case study of the Bay of Fundy sea scallop fishery. Canadian Journal of Statistics, 47(1), 27–45.


Yin, Y., Sameoto, J., Keith, D., and Mills Flemming, J. (2019). A Spatiotemporal Model of Shell Height-Meat Weight Relationship for the Bay of Fundy Sea Scallops, submitted to the Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.


Yin, Y., Sameoto, J., Keith, D., & Mills Flemming, J. (2019). A spatiotemporal model of shell height-meat weight relationship for the Bay of Fundy sea scallops. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Submitted.


Yuan, Y; Cantoni, E; Field, C; Treble, M; Mills Flemming, J. (2021). Spatiotemporal Modeling of Bycatch Data: Methods and a Practical Guide through a Case Study in a Canadian Arctic Fishery. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. In Press


Zhang, F., Rideout, R.M., & Cadigan, N.G. (2019). Spatiotemporal variations in juvenile mortality and cohort strength of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) off Newfoundland and Labrador. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 77(3), 625-635.


Zhang, F., Regular, P., Wheeland, L., Rideout, R.M., & Morgan, J.  (2019). Accounting for non-stationary stock-recruitment relationships in the development of MSY-based reference points. Submitted to ICES Journal of Marine Science.


Zhang, F., Regular, P., & Pederson, E. (2021).  Age-specific transient dynamics preceding a regional collapse indicate different levels of resilience within two fish populations. In revision.


Zhang, F., & Cadigan, N.G. 2022. An age and length structured statistical catch-at-length model for hard-to-age fisheries stocks. In revision.


Zheng, N., Wang, S., & Cadigan, N.G. (2019). Local sensitivity equations for maximum sustainable yield reference points. Theoretical Population Biology, 130: 143-159


Zheng, N., & Cadigan, N.G. (2019). Exact Likelihood for Basic Response-Stratified Sampling, With Application to Von Bertalanffy Growth Model Estimation. Open Journal of Statistics, 9: 623-642.


Zheng, N., Cadigan, N. & Morgan, M. J. (2020). A Spatiotemporal Richards-Schnute Growth Model and Its Estimation When Data are Collected Through Length-Stratified Sampling. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 27(3), 415-446.


Zheng, N., Robertson, M., Cadigan, N. Zhang, F., Morgan, M. J. & Wheeland, L. (2020). Spatiotemporal variation in maturation: a case study with American plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides) on the Grand Bank off Newfoundland. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 77(10), 1688-1699.


Zheng, N. & Cadigan, N. 2021. Frequentist Delta-Variance Approximations for Mixed-Effects Models and TMB. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 160, p.107227.


Zheng, N. & Cadigan, N. 2022. Frequentist conditional variance for nonlinear mixed-effects models. Submitted.


Government publications


Thiess, M.E., Benoit, H., Clark, D.S., Fong, K., Mello, L.G.S., Mowbray, F.,  Pepin, P., Cadigan, N., Miller, T., Thirkell, D., Wheeland, L. (2018). Proceedings of the National Comparative Trawl Workshop, November 28-30, 2017, Nanaimo, BC. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 3254: x + 39 p.


Curan, K. (ed). 2017. Proceedings of the Regional Framework Discussion on Stock Substructure of Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) Divisions 3NOPs4VWX5Zc Atlantic Halibut, Hippoglossus hippoglossus (Scotian Shelf and Southern Grand Banks).52. Fisheries and Oceans Canada.


DFO (2019). Stock Assessment of Gulf of St. Lawrence (4RST) Atlantic Halibut in 2018. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Sci. Advis. Rep. 2019/038.


DFO (2020). Redfish (Sebastes mentella and S. fasciatus) stocks assessment in Units 1 and 2 in 2019.  DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Sci. Advis. Rep. 2020/019.


Niemi, A., Ferguson, S., Hedges, K., Melling, H., Michel, C., Ayles, B., Azetsu-Scott, K., Coupel, P., Deslauriers, D., Devred, E., Doniol-Valcroze, T., Dunmall, K., Eert, J., Galbraith, P., Geoffroy, M., Gilchrist, G., Hennin, H., Howland, K., Kendall, M., Kohlbach, D., Lea, E., Loseto, L., Majewski, A., Marcoux, M., Matthews, C., McNicholl, D., Mosnier, A., Mundy, C.J., Ogloff, W., Perrie, W., Richards, C., Richardson, E., Reist, R., Roy, V., Sawatzky, C., Scharffenberg, K., Tallman, R., Tremblay, J-É., Tufts, T., Watt, C., Williams, W., Worden, E., Yurkowski, D. & Zimmerman, S. 2019. State of Canada’s Arctic Seas. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 3344: xv + 189 p.


ICES. 2020. Workshop on the Review and Future of State Space Stock Assessment Models in ICES (WKRFSAM). N. Cadigan (Ed). ICES Scientific Reports. 2:32. 23 pp.


Cadigan, N. 2020. A State-Space Assessment Model for 3Ps Cod (3PsSSAM). DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Res. Doc. 2020/xxx. v + 32p. In press.


Cadigan, N. 2020. A Simple Random-Effects Model to Smooth and Extrapolate Weights-at-Age for 3Ps Cod. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Res. Doc. 2020/xxx. v + 25p. In press.


Hornby, C.A., Scharffenberg, K.C., Melling, H., Archambault, P., Dawson, K., Geoffroy, M., Henderson,L., Hnatiuk Stewart, S., Holm, J., Hrenchuk, C., Johnson, M.W., Lacho, C.,  Mosbech, A., Myers, P.G., Papakyriakou, T., Remnant, R., Wang, F., Worden, E. (2021). Biophysical and Ecological Overview of the North Water and Adjacent Areas. 228. Fisheries and Oceans Canada.


Niemi, A., Majewski, A., Eert, J., Ehrman, A., Michel, C., Archambault, P., Atchison, S., Cypihot,V., Dempsey,M., de Montety, L., Dunn, M., Geoffroy, M., Hussherr, R., MacPhee, S., Mehdipour, N., Power, M., Swanson, H., TreaudeCoeli, L., Walkusz, W., Williams, W., Woodard, K., Zimmerman, S., Reist, J. (2020). Data from the BREA-MFP and CBS-MEA research programs describing the Anguniaqvia niqiqyuam Marine Protected Area (ANMPA) ecosystem. Can. Data Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 1316: ix + 90p.


Aliaga, A., Boswell, K. M., Boyra, G., Brierley, A., Carrera, P., Couperus, B., Demer, D., Didrikas, T., Einarsson., H., Escobar-Flores, P., Freijer, J., Gastauer, S., Gauthier, S., Geoffroy, M., et al. (2019). Workshop on The Development of Practical Survey Methods for Measuremetns and Monitoring in the Mesopelagic Zone (WKMESOMeth). ICES Scientific Reports. 1:43. 47 pp.


Perreault, A. M. J.,  Wheeland, L., & Cadigan, N. G. 2021. Updated state-space model for American plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides) in Div. 3LNO. NAFO SCR Doc. 21/020. Serial No. N7188. 33 p.


Wheeland, L., Dwyer, K., Kumar, R., Rideout, R., Perreault, A.M.J., & B. Rogers. Assessment of American plaice in Div. 3LNO. SCR Doc 21/035.


ICES. 2021. Workshop of Fisheries Management Reference Points in a Changing Environment (WKRPChange, outputs from 2020 meeting). ICES Scientific Reports. 3:6. 39 pp.


Conference presentations


Araya-Schmidt, T., Legge, G., Winger P.D., Santos, M., Moret, K., DeLouche, H., Walsh, P., Donovan, M., & Bayse, S.M. (2019, December). Investigating the performance of a roller footgear in the Nunavut offshore shrimp fishery. Can innovation help reduce seabed impact? Presented at the ArcticNet Annual Science Meeting. Halifax, Canada.


Araya-Schmidt, T., Legge, G., Winger P.D., Santos, M., Moret, K., DeLouche, H., Walsh, P., Donovan, M., & Bayse, S.M. (2019, November). Investigating the performance of a roller footgear in the Nunavut offshore shrimp fishery using underwater video. Presented at the ICES - Shellfish Symposium. Tromso, Norway.


Araya-Schmidt, T., Legge, G., Winger P. D., Moret, K., DeLouche, H., Walsh, P., Donovan, M., & Bayse, S.M. (2019, April). Reducing seabed impact of Northern Shrimp and Greenland Halibut trawling in the Nunavut offshore fishery through trawl modifications. Presented at the Benthic Ecology Meeting. St. John’s, Canada.


Bayse, S.M., Winger, P.D., Cheng, Z., Kebede, G.E., DeLouche, H., Einarsson, H.A., Pol, M.V., Kelly, D., & Walsh S.J. (2020, January). T90 mesh codends improve the size selectivity of redfish in the Gulf of St. Lawrence trawl fishery. Redfish Stock Assessments in Units 1 and 2, Mont-Joli, Quebec, Canada.


Cadigan, N.G. (2019, November). Approaches for modelling landings and catch age composition information in state-space stock assessment models.  Presented at The Center for the Advancement of Population Assessment Methodology (CAPAM) workshop on the creation of frameworks for the next generation general stock assessment models, Wellington, New Zealand.


Cadigan, N. G & Regular, P. (2017, September). Changes in the natural mortality rate for northern cod based on a state-space stock assessment model that integrates tagging data. Presented at the ICES Annual Science Conference, Fort Lauderdale, Florida.


Cadigan, N. & Kumar, R. (2019, October). A spatial and state-space stock assessment model for American Plaice off the east coast of Canada. Presented at the International Society for Ecological Modelling Global Conference, Sulzburg, Austria.


Cadigan, N.G & Rideout, R. (2017, September). Spatio-temporal variation in cohort strength and juvenile mortality rates of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) off Newfoundland and Labrador and the Flemish Cap. Presented at the ICES Annual Science Conference, Fort Lauderdale, Florida.


Cadigan, N.G. & Campana, S.E. (2018, July). Hierarchical model-based estimation of population body growth curves for redfish (Sebastes mentella and S. fasciatus) off the eastern coast of Canada. Presented at the International Statistical Ecology Conference 2018, St. Andrews, Scotland.


Chawarski, J., Cote, D., Compson, Z., Rajabi, H., Singer, G., Fahner, N.,  Hajibabaei, M., Fortier, L. &  Geoffroy, M. (2019, November) Differences in biodiversity are detected across depth using environmental DNA in the deep ocean. Poster presented at the OFI Researchers Workshop, St. John’s, Canada.


Chawarski, J., Geoffroy, M., Majewski, A., Gauthier, S., & Reist, J. (2018, April) In situ acoustic response of Arctic cod in the Beaufort Sea. Presented at the ICES Working Group on Fisheries Acoustics, Science and Technology Annual Meeting, Seattle, United States.


Cheng, Z., Einarsson, H. A., Bayse, S., Herrmann, B., & Winger, P. (2019, January). Size selectivity of traditional and knotless diamond codends in the Iceland redfish (Sebastes spp.) fishery. Presented at the Canadian Conference For Fisheries Research, London, Canada.


Cheng, Z., Einarsson, H. A., Bayse, S., Herrmann, B., & Winger, P. (2019, June). Comparing the size selectivity of three different codend mesh orientations in the Icelandic Northern Shrimp (Pandalus borealis) trawl fishery. Presented at the ICES FAO Working Group on Fishing Technology and Fish Behaviour, Shanghai, China.


Dey, R., Cadigan, N.G., & Abarin, T. (2017, June). Sensitivity to Model Misspecification of a Von Bertalanffy Growth Model with Measurement Error in Age. Presented at the Annual meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada, Winnipeg, Canada.


Dunn, M., Pedersen, G., Geoffroy, M. (2021, March). Autonomous measurements of an undisturbed epipelagic sound scattering layer at high latitudes. Presented at the Arctic Science Summit Week. Lisboa, Portugal (online). 


Fisher, J.A.D., Le Bris, A., Gatti, P., & Robert, D. (2018, September). Resolving movements of Atlantic halibut through electronic tagging supports the development of a dedicated longline survey and improved stock assessment framework for the Gulf of St. Lawrence stock. Presented at the ICES Annual Science Conference, Hamburg, Germany.


Fisher, J.A.D., Flawd, D., Devine, B., Rockwood, H., & Ostle, C.  (2018, December). Quantifying plankton and plastic composition through the Northwest Passage and Atlantic Arctic Gateway. Presented at the ArcticNet Annual Scientific Meeting, Ottawa, Canada.


Fisher, J., & Ostle, C. (2019, November). Towards pan-Arctic sampling of marine microplastic pollution using the continuous plankton recorder. Presented at the ArcticNet Annual Science Conference, Halifax, Canada.


Fisher, J.A.D., Devine, B., Flawd, D., Le Bris, A., & Robert, D.  (2017, November). The dynamics and implications of Canada’s increasing reliance on emerging, expanding and established flatfish fisheries. Presented at the 10th International Flatfish Symposium, St. Malo, France.


Flawd, D., & Fisher, J. (2018, November). Temporally dynamic spatial distributions of American plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides) and yellowtail flounder (Limanda ferruginea) on the Grand Banks, Newfoundland. Presented at the 10th International Flatfish Symposium, St. Malo, France


Frank, C., Steiner, R., Winger, P.D., Bayse, S. (2022). Using increasing brightness in glow-in-the-dark snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) pots to better understand how light influences catch. Canadian Conference for Fisheries Research (CCFFR), Vancouver, Feb 25-26, 2022.


Frank, C., Steiner, R., Bayse, S., Bitton, P.-P. (2022). Can I get a light? Underwater light performance of glow-in-the-dark pots designed for the Newfoundland snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) fishery. Canadian Conference for Fisheries Research (CCFFR), Vancouver, Feb 25-26, 2022.


Gao, J., Cadigan, N., Wheeland, L. & Rogers, B. (2019, October). Spatiotemporal modeling of size distributions with incomplete survey data in a flat fish. Presented at the PICES annual meeting, Victoria, Canada.


Gao, J., Cadigan, N.G, Wheeland, L. & Rogers, B. (2019, October). Spatiotemporal modeling of size distributions with incomplete survey data in a flat fish. Presented at the International Society for Ecological Modelling Global Conference, Sulzburg, Austria.


Gatti, P., Fisher J.A.D., Marshall, R., Robert, D., Le Bris A. (2019, April). Satellite tracking of bottom dwelling fish to inform their conservation and management: the case study of Atlantic halibut in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence. Presented at the Benthic Ecology meeting. St. John’s, Canada.


Gatti, P., Le Bris, A., Fisher, J.A.D., Robert, D. (2018, August). Tracking Atlantic halibut in the Gulf of St. Lawrence with PSAT to identify spawning areas and help design a new longline survey. Presented at the 148th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Atlantic City, USA.


Gatti, P., Le Bris, A. (2020, March) Validation of a Hidden Markov Model applied to demersal fish geolocation. Presented at Moving2Gather 2020: a workshop to gather statisticians and movement ecologists, Rennes, France.


Gentile, A. et al. (2021, September). Seasonal spatiotemporal distribution changes and interspecies dynamics of the yellowtail flounder fishery and its bycatch species on the Grand banks. ICES 2021 Annual Science Conference. Virtual conference.


Geoffroy, M., Berge, J., Falk-Petersen, S., Johnsen, G., Santana Hernández, N., Cusa, M., Daase, M., Bluhm, B., Graeve, M., & Cottier, F. (2017, December). Northward range expansion of boreal species into the Arctic: Further evidence from the polar night. Presented at the ArcticChange 2017 conference. Quebec, Canada.


Geoffroy, M., Berge, J., Cohen, J.H., Ludvigsen, M., Cottier, F., Last, K., De La Torre, P.R., Nornes, S.M., Sørensen, A.J., Daase, M., Anderson, P., Johnsen G. (2018, April). Hydroacoustic studies reveal the impact of artificial light from research vessels on the distribution and abundance of marine organisms under low solar irradiance. Presented at the ICES Working Group on Fisheries Acoustics, Science and Technology Annual Meeting, Seattle, United States


Geoffroy, M., Chawarski, J., Cote, D., Hajibabaei, M., Berge, J., Falk-Petersen, S. (2019, April). Contrasting deep scattering layers from the Labrador and Barents Seas. Presented at ICES Working Group on Fisheries Acoustics, Science and Technology Annual Meeting, Galway, Ireland


Geoffroy, M., Coté, D., Chawarski, J., DeZutter, T., Fortier, L., Murphy, A., McAllister, A., Hajibabaei, M. & Fahner. N. (2019, December). New methods to characterize pelagic layers of the Labrador Sea. Presented at the ArcticNet Annual Science Meeting. Halifax, Canada.


Geoffroy, M., Daase, M., Berge, J., Graeve, M., Cusa, M., Santana Hernández, N., & Falk-Petersen, S. (2018, January). Mesopelagic layers in the European Arctic: Seasonal migrations and trophic interactions. Presented at the ArcticFrontiers conference. Tromsø, Norway.


Geoffroy, M., Langbehn, T., Varpe, Ø., Cohen, J., Cottier, F., Last, K., Johnsen, G., McKee, D., Daase., M., Berge, J. (2021, March). Behavioral response of marine fish and zooplankton exposed to artificial light during acoustic surveys. Presented at the Arctic Science Summit Week. Lisboa, Portugal (online). 


Geoffroy, M., Priou, P., & Berge, J. (2018, December). Fishes in the polar Night. Presented at the ArcticNet Annual Scientific Meeting, Ottawa, Canada.


Geoffroy, M. (2021). Mesopelagic organisms in the Arctic: possibilities to compare the Canadian and European Arctic. ICES 2021 Annual Science Meeting, Online, France


Geoffroy, M., Langbehn, T., Varpe, Ø.Cohen, J., Cottier, F., Last, K., Johnsen, G., McKee, D., Daase, M., Berge, J. (2021). In situ experiments reveal behavioral response of marine fish and zooplankton when exposed to artificial light during the Arctic polar night. ICES 2021 Annual Science Conference, Online, France


Geoffroy, M. (2021). Pelagic ecosystem of the subpolar North Atlantic: An overview. Webinar Series of the Healy: We are all in the same boat - in the Arctic, United States


Herbig, J., Bouchard, C., LeBlanc, M., Niemi, A., Majewski, A., Gauthier, S., Fisher, J., Geoffroy, M. (2020, December). Interannual variations in environmental conditions affect the recruitment of adult Arctic cod. Presented at the ArcticNet Annual Scientific Meeting, Toronto, Canada (online). 


Herbig, J., Bouchard, C., LeBlanc, M., Niemi, A., Majewski, A., Gauthier, S., Fisher, J., Geoffroy, M. (2021, March). Do interannual variations in environmental conditions affect the recruitment of adult Arctic cod? Presented at the Arctic Science Summit Week. Lisboa, Portugal (online). 


Le Bris, A., and 30+ co-authors. (2021, October). Creating a global database of surface drift data obtained from detached satellite tags. Presented at the 7th international bio-logging science symposium, Honolulu Hawaii (Online).


Le Bris, A., Fisher, J.A.D., Gatti, P., & Robert., D. (2018, February). Using pop-up satellite tags to study the migratory behaviours of large demersal fish: the case study of Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus Hippoglossus) in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Presented at the Ocean Science Meeting, Portland, OR.


Le Bris, A., Fisher, J.A.D., & Robert., D. (2017, November). Tracking flatfish using archival tag data: the case study of the Gulf of St. Lawrence Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus). Presented at the International Flatfish Symposium, Saint Malo, France.


Kebede, G.E., Winger, P.D., DeLouche, H., Legge, G., Cheng, Z., Kelly, D., & Einarsson, H.A. (2018, May). Evaluating the drag and lift coefficients of self-spreading helical ropes against conventional PA, amnd PE ropes at different attack angles and towing speeds. Presented at the ICES FAO Working Group on Fishing Technology and Fish Behaviour, Hirtshals, Denmark.


Kumar, R. & Cadigan, N.G. (2018, October). Spatial State-Space Survey Based Assessment Model for the Grand Banks American Plaice.  Presented at the CAPAM workshop on spatial stock assessment models, La Jolla, US.


Marshall, R., Le Bris, A., Fisher, J.A.D., Gatti, P., Robert, D. (2019, April). Distribution and seasonal behavior of Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) in the Gulf of St. Lawrence based on data from pop-up satellite archival tags. Presented at the Benthic Ecology Meeting. St John’s, Canada.


Marshall, R. Le Bris, A., Fisher, J.A.D., Gatti, P., Robert, D. (2018, December). Distribution and seasonal behavior of Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) in the Gulf of St. Lawrence based on data from pop-up satellite archival tags. Presented at the 16th Flatfish Biology Conference. Westbrook, USA.


Moore, E., & Favaro, B. (2019, April). Do Cod Discarded from Pots Experience Behaviour Impairment? Presented at the Benthics Ecology Meeting. St John’s, Canada.


Nguyen, V.Y., Bayse, S.M., Cheng, Z., Winger, P.D., DeLouche, H., Kebede, G.E., and Legge, G. (2022). An effective technique to reduce the capture of small fish in the redfish trawl fishery in Canada. Canadian Conference for Fisheries Research (CCFFR), Vancouver, Feb 25-26, 2022.


Nguyen, V.Y., Bayse, S.M., Einarsson, H.A., and Ingólfsson, Ó.A. (2022). Herding behavior of fish at different locations of the trawl mouth. Canadian Conference for Fisheries Research (CCFFR), Vancouver, Feb 25-26, 2022.


Perreault, A. M. J. & Cadigan, N. G. (2021 June). Natural mortality diagnostics for state-space stock assessment models. CAPAM Workshop on Natural Mortality: Theory, Estimation and Application in Fishery Stock Assessment Models. (Virtual; Awarded best student presentation).


Priou, P., Berge, J., Flores, H., Majewski, A., Gauthier, S., Resit, S., Geoffroy, M. (2020, December). Spatial variation in mesopelagic sound scattering layer density within high Arctic seas. Presented at the ArcticNet Annual Scientific Meeting, Toronto, Canada (online).


Priou, P.,  Chawarski, J., Berge, J., Falk-Petersen, S., Geoffroy, M. (2018, June). Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) versus boreal fish species in the Barents Sea. Presented at the ESSAS-IMBER annual scientific meeting. Fairbanks, United States.


Priou, P., Kunisch, E., Katlein, C., Berge, J., Gradinger, R., Flores, H., Geoffroy, M. (2017, December). Vertical distribution of pelagic fish and zooplankton under the European Arctic pack ice. Presented at the ArcticChange 2017 conference. Quebec, Canada.


Priou P., Nikolopoulos A., Flores H., Gradinger R., Kunisch E., Nicolaus M., Katlein C., Linders C., Berge J., & Geoffroy M. (2019, December). Under-ice vertical distribution of pelagic organisms in the Arctic Ocean during the midnight sun. Presented at the ArcticNet Annual Science Meeting. Halifax, Canada.


Priou, P., Nikolopoulos, A., Flores, H., Linders, T., Nicolaus, M., Katlein, C., Gradinger, R., Kunisch, E., Berge, J., & Geoffroy, M. (2018, October). Linking vertical zooplankton and fish migrations to environmental cues under the Arctic pack ice during the midnight sun. Presented at the Synergy of physical, biological, and biogeochemical Arctic observations (SynArc) workshop. Delmenhorst, Germany.


Ransier, K., A. Le Bris, J. Fisher, G. Claireaux, N. Den Heyer, M. Desgagnes, W. DeVoe, P. Gatti, T. James, C. Liu, C. McGuire, D. Robert.  (2021, November). Atlantic halibut migratory behavior and stock mixing across the northwest Atlantic. Oral presentation delivered virtually at the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting.


Regular, P. & Cadigan, N.G. (2017, September). Approaches for modelling the variances of multiple survey indices in a state-space stock assessment model. Presented at the ICES Annual Science Conference, Florida.


Regular, P. M., Cadigan, N. G., Gregory, R. S., Koen-Alonso, M., Robertson, G. J., Stenson, G. B., & Zhang, F. (2021 June). The role of starvation in the collapse and slow recovery of northern cod. CAPAM Workshop on Natural Mortality: Theory, Estimation and Application in Fishery Stock Assessment Models. (Virtual).


Robertson, M. D., Regular, P. M., Gao, J., Morgan, M. J., & Zhang, F. (2020, February). Spatial Hysteresis: Non-Recovery of Fish Spatial Distributions with Returning Ocean Condition. Ocean Sciences Meeting. United States.


Robertson, M. D., Koen-Alonso, M., Regular, P. M., Cadigan, N., & Zhang, F. (2021, November). Accounting for a non-linear functional response when estimating prey dynamics using predator diet data. 151st Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society (AFS). Baltimore, Maryland. Virtual.


Tang, X. (2021, September). Identifying regime shifts in stock-recruitment relationships using hidden Markov model. ICES 2021 Annual Science Conference. Virtual conference.


Wood, J., Donovan, M., Grant, S. (2019, April). Assessing the life history of soft-shell clams (Mya truncata) in coastal waters of Baffin Island and its potential as a commercial fishery. Presented at the Benthic Ecology Meeting. St. John’s, Canada.


Zhang, F., Zheng, N., & Cadigan, N. (2018, September). Stochastic MSY accounting for non-stationary stock-recruitment relationship. Presented at the ICES annual science conference, Hamburg, Germany.


Zhang, F., Regular, P., Pedersen, E. (2019, October). Regime shift and early warning signals of Atlantic cod and American plaice on Grand Bank off Newfoundland. Presented at the PICES annual meeting, Victoria, Canada.


Zheng, N. & Cadigan, N.G. (2018, June). Maximum Likelihood Estimation with Data from a Response-selective Stratified Sampling Design, with Application to Fish Growth Curve Estimation.  Presented at the Annual meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada, Montreal, Canada.


Zheng, N. & Cadigan , N.G. (2018, July). Maximum likelihood estimation with data from a response-selective stratified sampling design, with application to fish growth curve estimation. Presented at the International Statistical Ecology Conference 2018, St. Andrews, Scotland.


Zheng, N., & Cadigan, N.G., and J. Morgan. (2019, June). A Spatiotemporal Von Bertalanffy Growth Model and Its Estimation When Data Are Collected Through Length-Stratified Sampling.  Presented at the Annual meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada, Calgary, Canada.


Zheng, N., Cadigan, N. & Morgan, M. J. (2019, November). A Spatiotemporal Richards-Schnute Growth Model and Its Estimation When Data are Collected Through Length-Stratified Sampling. Presented at the International Society for Ecological Modelling Global Conference, October, Austria.


Zheng, N., & Cadigan, N. (2020, June). Spatiotemporal modelling approach for combined estimation of fish growth and maturity when data are collected through length stratified sampling. Virtual International Statistical Ecology Conference 2020.


Wood, J., Donovan, M., Grant, S. (2019, November). Assessing the life history of soft-shell clams (Mya truncata) of Baffin Island, Canada: Implications for sustainable fisheries. Presented at the ICES Shellfish Symposium. Tromso, Norway.


Zhu, L., Fisher, J.A.D., Robert, D. (2018, January). Characterizing diet and growth for a marine fish invading the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Presented at the Canadian Conference for Fisheries Research. Edmonton, Canada.


Zhu, L., Fisher, J.A.D., Robert, D. (2018, August). Silver hake in the Gulf of St. Lawrence: Investigating diet and growth in a newly invaded region. Presented at the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Atlantic City, US.




Cadigan, N. G and A. Perreault. (2019, November). Accounting for retrospective patterns in state-space stock assessment models. Presented at the ICES Workshop to develop guidelines for addressing catch forecasts from biased Assessments. Woods Hole, USA


Cadigan, N. G. (2021 June) Recent and future advancements in assessment methodology for data-rich stocks.  Presented at the Annual meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada, Virtual.


Fisher, J.A.D. (2021, September) From ships of opportunity to research icebreaker programs: expanding the northern reach of CPR in an increasingly ice-free Canadian Arctic. (2021). Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) Survey’s 90th Anniversary Online Conference. Marine Biological Laboratory of the United Kingdom, Plymouth, UK.


Fisher, J.A.D. (2019, September). Panelist within ‘The Ocean Under Our Influence’ discussion organized by The Conversation Canada for science literacy week, St. John’s, NL.


Fisher, J.A.D. (2018, December). From plastics and plankton to sharks: Academic-industry partnerships provide a means to survey marine ecosystems within the Canadian Arctic. Presented at the Laval University’s Department of Biology and Québec-Océan, Québec City, Canada.


Fisher, J.A.D. (2017, July). Towards continuous plankton recorder survey(s) in Canada’s Northwest Passage.  Presented at Sir Alistar Hardy Foundation for Ocean Sciences, Plymouth, UK.


Fisher, J.A.D. (2018, June). Sustainability research examples within the Centre for Fisheries Ecosystems Research (CFER). Presentation to the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation, St. John’s, Canada.


Fisher, J.A.D., Devine, B., Fudge, S. (2018, January). Exploratory fisheries and ecosystem understanding: a win-win collaboration in the north. Presented at the Northern Offshore Allocation Holders Association Science Frontiers Meeting, Ottawa, Canada.


Gao, J. (2018, November). Spatial time delay embedding via Gaussian process modeling. Presented at the NOAA-Empirical dynamical Modelling Workshop, Santa Cruz, USA


Gatti, P., Robert, D., Fisher, J.A.D., Marshall, R.C., Le Bris, A. (2021, March) Archival satellite tagging of Atlantic halibut in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Presented at the Stock Assessment of the Gulf of St. Lawrence (4RST) Atlantic halibut. Rimouski, Canada.


Geoffroy, M. (2018, March). Les écosystèmes pélagiques à la frontière Atlantique-Arctique: observations récentes provenant d'études hydroacoustiques. Presented at DFO Seminar Series, Mont-Joli, Canada.


Geoffroy, M. (2020, March). Behavioral response of marine fish and zooplankton exposed to artificial light during acoustic surveys. Presented at DFO capelin stock assessment, St. John’s, Canada


Geoffroy, M., Chawarski, J., Clément, M., Majewski, A., Gauthier, S. (2018, March). Forage fish at the Atlantic-Arctic gateway: New acoustic surveys. Presented at Filling in the Forage Fish Gap Workshop, Nanaimo, Canada.


Geoffroy, M., Cyr, F., Bélanger, D., Priou, P. (2019, March). Ecology of the North Atlantic: A complex cold-water ecosystem. Presented at the Future of Oceans: A Symposium on Stewarding the North Atlantic, St. John's, Canada.


Geoffroy, M. (2018, December). Pelagic ecosystems at the Atlantic-Arctic gateway - a focus on fish. Presented at the International Naval & Maritime Exhibition and Congress for Latin America, Valparaiso, Chile.


Geoffroy, M. (2021, March). Demersal spawning of capelin in Northern Labrador. Presented at DFO capelin stock assessment, St. John’s, Canada


Geoffroy, M., Neves, B., Edinger, E. (2021, November). Pelagic ecosystems at the Atlantic-Arctic gateway. Memorial University Department of Geography Seminar Series, St. John's, Canada


Geoffroy, M. (2021, May). Collecting mesopelagic data from an ice breaker in the Arctic. MEESO workshop on detection of mesopelagic organisms from vessel-mounted acoustics, Galway, United Kingdom


Grant, S., Walsh., P. (2019, May). Inshore multispecies resource assessments and coastal environmental baseline study: Inner Frobisher Bay Iqaluit. Presentation at Fisheries and Oceans Canada Ocean Protection Plan Baseline Workshop, Iqaluit, Nunavut.


Le Bris, A. (2017, June). La pêche et la recherche sur le flétan atlantique au Canada: une collaboration entre l’industrie, le gouvernement et le monde académique. Presented at IFREMER - DYNECO Seminar Series, Brest, France.


Le Bris, A., and 30+ co-authors. (2021, November). Creating a global database of surface drift data obtained from detached satellite tags. Presented at the 9th annual Ocean Tracking Network symposium (Online).


Mills Flemming, J. (2019, July). Spatiotemporal Models for Better Understanding Marine Life, Faculty of Computer Science Seminar Series, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada.


Mills Flemming, J. (2019, April) Statistical Tools for Validating Animal Movement Models, Gordon Research Conference on Movement Ecology of Animals, Tuscany, Italy.


Mills Flemming, J. (2019, June) New Approaches to Estimating Population Size for Marine Species, Statistical Society of Canada Annual General Meeting, Calgary, Canada.


Mills Flemming, J. (2021, June) New Statistical Tools For Estimating Abundance from Spatiotemporal Fisheries Research Vessel Data. Virtual Statistics 2021 Canada Conference, Canada


Zhang, F. (2019, June). Non-stationary population dynamics and resilience-based fisheries management. Presented at 2019 Young Scholar Forum on Fisheries Science at Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai, China.

Zhang, F. (2019, June). Non-stationary population dynamics and ecological resilience. Presented at South China Sea Institute of Oceanology Seminar. Guangzhou, China.


Zhang, F. (2019, June). Fisheries stock assessment in the light of non-stationary population dynamics. Presented at South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute Seminar, Guangzhou, China.

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